Hardware: Arduino Uno R3 ,ultrasonic distance sensor, micro servo, piezo sensor, gas sensor, light bulb, relay SPDT, photoresistor ,PIR Sensor ,power supply
Abstract: Home Automation is a way to have things around your home happen automatically. Thefirst thing that comes to mind when folks think of home automation are robots, flashinglights, complicated electronics and a general feeling that their home is less of a warmhome and more of a cold science experiment. However, in most homes today, you caneasily find some simple forms of automation such as:Garage door openers ,RemoteControls ,Irrigation / sprinkler control systems ,Motion activated lights ,Securitysystems ,Programmable thermostats ,Programmable light timers If you want to keepgoing, you can throw in dishwasher, clothes washers and dryers, ovens, microwaves,cars, lights and switches…. The list goes on and on.You may not think of a dishwasher or light switch as home automation, but compared towashing dishes by hand and striking a match to light a candle ever time you enter aroom, it's defiantly automation.However, each of these things was designed to help usdo some complicated, strenuous, unpleasant, or repetitious action automatically. Theterm 'Home Automation' today applies to the next level of automating home electronics